Either Info or an Invalid key has been detected in Subject line. ** Do NOT reply to this e-mail ** All GRIB requests must be mailed to gmngrib@globalmarinenet.net. Valid keys are listed at the end of this E-Mail. **KEYS ARE CASE SENSITIVE**. Atlantic is correct but atlantic is wrong. Place a valid KEY in the SUBJECT line and try sending mail to gmngrib@globalmarinenet.net again. This grib robot generates wwave3 GRIB files if you request a custom region or a static region which does not contain an interior body of water. If you request a static region which contains an interior body of water (such as the Mediterranean) you will receive an AVN GRIB file. Please visit our web site for more information. *** Instructions *** Specifying the key only will result in one mail with a 24 hour forecast. For Example Atlantic Will return an e-mail with a grib file containing a 24 hour forecast. Alternately you can specify the time of the forecast by entering the time after the key on the subject line. Valid times are 6 to 168 hours in increments of 6 hours. i.e. 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 are all valid times. For example, entering Atlantic 24 48 72 will result in 3 e-mails each containing a separate forecast for the Atlantic region. Note that on average each e-mail will be between 3 and 5 Kb in size. If you prefer to do weather animation then you can specify that the robot send you 1day, 2day, 3day, 4day, 5day, 6day, or 7day worth of weather sampled at 6 hour intervals. For example, entering Atlantic 3day will return one compressed grib file between 30-40K that contains 3 days worth of forecasts on 6 hour intervals. *** a Note on size *** The more data you request the more efficient the compression will be. For example, entering Caribbean 24 48 72 will result in 3 grib files about 1.5-2K each for a total of around 6K. Entering Caribbean 3day results in 12 forecasts in one file that is 11K. *** Requesting gribs by custom regions **** It is possible to request custom regions by placing the center Lat:Lon coordinates where the "key" would normally go. The syntax for custom regions is LAT[NS]:LON[EW]:RANGE [24 48 .. | 1day | 2day ...] The optional RANGE is in nautical miles. A range of 1200 miles is assumed if none is specified. So entering the following in the subject line 18N:67W:600 3day would return a 3day forecast grib that was 600x600 miles centered at 18N and 67W. Entering 55S:70W 24 48 72 yields 3 gribs 1200 miles on the side centered at 55S 70W i.e. the Drake passage. ****** Requesting gribs on an automatic schedule **** Entering a number followed by the word "times" tells the grib robot to send you the request every day at 1210 GMT for the number of days entered. For example entereging the following on the Subject line 7times Caribbean 3day will cause the grib robot to send you the Caribbean 3day forecast every day for 7 days. "7times" must be entered as the first command on the Subject line. Entering "Caribbean 7times 3day" is incorrect. To cancel a request simply send an e-mail to the grib robot with the word cancel on the subject line. NOTE: There are no spaces between the 7 and times. Also, times and cancel are in lower case. ******** Gribs are compressed in bzip2 format and are about 10Kb in size per day for large regions and about 4K per day for the Caribbean. MaxSea and Windplot users can display these gribs directly. RayChart users will need a special bunzipper to unpack these files. Two popular programs are: WinRAR v3.00 922K www.rarlab.com EF Commander v3.3 1.4Mb www.bhs.com They are both free. SUC.exe, a simple free bunzip program, is also available. Download it from http://www.globalmarinenet.net/downloads.htm ********* Need information about the weather forecast you just downloaded? Checkout http://www.globalmarinenet.net/grib.htm Need a grib viewer? Get a free one from http://www.globalmarinenet.net/downloads.htm Need a larger selection of GRIB data such as wave height, pressure, 500mb, surface and subsureface temps, and currents? Check out our premier weather download product at http://www.globalmarinenet.net/weathernet.htm This grib file is provided to you as a public service by Global Marine Networks (GMN). GMN Provides many services tailored to the need of wireless users. Some of these services include * The Fastest SSB/Sat E-Mail in the industry supporting attachments and HTML. * Fast wireless web browsing for sat users proving up to 10x increase in browsing performance. * Wireless Web Hosting. Let us host your web site and you will be able to update content and pictures via wireless e-mail. All Wireless e-mail services providing attachments are supported. Simply e-mail your attached web pages and pictures to our web server and it will update your web site for you. * Weather distribution products supporting thousands of weather products including grib, ocean charts, wefax, text, and more. * Very competitive pricing. Check out our range of services at http://www.globalmarinenet.net or via e-mail to info@globalmarinenet.net Thank you and enjoy this free service. Luis Soltero, Ph.D, Director of Software Development Global Marine Networks Here is a listing of valid region KEYs. Note: Keys are case sensitive. Atlantic is correct alantic is wrong. KEY - DESCRIPTION TasmanSea - Tasman Sea 30-50S, 140-180E DaimlerChrysler - 60-10N, 75-0W CapeTownRio - 20-30S, 48W-25E SydneyHobart - 32-44S, 146-155E NewportBermuda - 42-32N, 74-64W Pacific - Pacific Region Forecast Data (includes Gulf of Alaska data) Atlantic - West Atlantic (US) Region Forecast Data Canada - East Canada Region Forecast Data Caribbean - Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Drake - Drake Passage in SSAmerica EastAtlantic - East Atlantic Region Forecast Data GreatLakes - Great Lakes Region Forecast Data NorthEurope - North Europe Region Forecast Data Argentina - Chile, Argentina Region Forecast Data SouthAfrica - South Africa Region Forecast Data Brasil - Brasil Region Forecast Data NewZealand - New Zealand Region Forecast Data Mediterranean - Mediterranean Region Forecast Data Scandinavia - Scandinavia Region Forecast Data Barents - Barent Sea Region Forecast Data Baffin - Baffin Bay Region Forecast Data WAlaska - West Alaska Region Forecast Data Vancouver - Vancouver Region Forecast Data CentralNPacific - Central North Pacific Region Forecast Data CentralSPacific - Central South Pacific Region Forecast Data SSPacific - South Pacific Region Forecast Data CentralPacific - Central Pacific Region ForecastData ChilePeru - Chile and Peru Region Forecast Data CentralAmerica - Central America Region Forecast Data SSAtlantic - South Atlantic Region Forecast Data Madagascar - Madagascar Region Forecast Data Indian - Indian Region Forecast Data NIndian - North Indian Region Forecast Data WKergelen - West Kergelen Region Forecast Data Kergelen - Kergelen Region Forecast Data SAutralia - South Australia Region Forecast Data IndonesiaAustralia - Indonesia and Australia Region Forecast Data IndonesiaNewZealand - Indonesia and New Zealand Region Forecast Data China - China Region Forecast Data WPacific - West Pacific Region Forecast Data NJapan - North Japan Region Forecast Data CentralAtlantic - Central Atlantic Region Forecast Data